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I know the rights to Primer were sold to Spain early on and I believe Portugal was included in the deal. So it's possible that someone obtained a copy from that distributor for the Sci-Fi Night. It's always funny to hear about stuff like that. Shane would be flattered to know he was in the same lineup as Cronenberg and Lynch.

Shane and I both saw Brick a few years ago and really liked it. Shortly after, we met the cinematographer for it, and last year Shane met Rian Johnson in L.A. They got along well and I think they still talk once in a while. It's a small world. I haven't seen Wall-E yet, but I've heard nothing but good things. I can't wait to see it.

Shane and I just finished watching a movie from the 70's called Zardoz starring Sean Connery. It is one of those movies that is so bad that it's almost good. There are glimpses of brilliance mixed in with terrible 70's special effects, over-acting, and pretentious surrealism. Having said that, I think movie lovers will still appreciate it on some level. I know we did.

When Shane first started writing Primer, my whole family was supportive but realistic. None of us, Shane included, could have dreamed that things would have turned out like they did. The hope was to just get it accepted into one of the major festivals. Of course, Sundance was at the top of that list. Not many people are aware of this, but Primer was originally rejected by Sundance. It wasn't until he went out to L.A. and started marketing (begging people to watch it) it to agents and publicists that he was able to get it into the right hands. Once that happened, things began to pick up and shortly after Shane received an acceptance letter from Sundance.

Also, you're not boring me... hopefully, I'm not boring you. :)

If you want to translate one of your articles, I'll be glad to forward it to Shane. You can send it to: johncarruth@gmail.com

That picture on the front of your blog is driving me crazy. I know I have seen that movie before. Is it from After Hours?

Overunder8 (talk) 17:43, 5 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]


How about this? When the time comes for Shane to start doing press for his new project, I'll do my best to get you an interview with him. Just remind me so that I don't forget. I went to your blog and appreciate what you guys are doing. I don't speak Portuguese, but translated some of the articles with http://babelfish.yahoo.com.

Also, I understand your skepticism about me actually being related to Shane. The anonymity of the internet allows for "pranksters" to mislead people with good intentions. Having said that, I can assure you that I am related to Shane... I'm his brother, John, and was "man on couch #1" in Primer. I actually live in the house where Primer was filmed. I can email you a picture if you would like... the garage door is probably the most recognizable part of the house.

The reason Primer was never released in Brazil and other territories is that the foreign sales agent was completely incompetent, he didn't do his job, and it became too time consuming to attempt to get it into certain territories. Shane has no problem with people downloading Primer, especially where it is not readily available. Films like Primer need the grassroots following that illegal downloading can bring... otherwise, they will never attract the audience they are seeking to reach.

Anyway, thanks for your interest in Primer. What do you do when you are not blogging? Any movies you would recommend?

Overunder8 (talk) 15:47, 27 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, the writing process has been slow and tedious. I know Shane never imagined that it would take as long as it has to complete the script, but (in my biased opinion) it will be well worth the wait. While it tackles a completely different subject than Primer, I believe it remains true to the procedural/discovery themes that fans of Primer are familiar with. As far as the title, I can't give out any details about the project until Shane gives the Ok... sorry about that. I know that probably seems silly to be secretive (I'm rolling my eyes at myself for even typing that), but hopefully the broad strokes can be made public in the not too distant future.

Overunder8 (talk) 15:20, 13 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I posted the June, 2008 update for Shane Carruth. I'm a relative of his and I've been reading his script the last few months.

Overunder8Overunder8 (talk) 04:59, 12 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]